Ross Jeffries – LA 2012 Magic And Influence Small RIP
Attention Speed Seducers, NLP’ers, Wiccans, Pagans, Self-Improvers, Warriors, And Those Who Just Want A Hell Of A Lot More In Life…
Amazing Seminar In Los Angeles, March 31 And
April 1 Reveals: Secrets Of Consciousness
Cultivation Magick, “Non-linear” Manifestation
And “Non-Local” Influence
How To Create And Use Your Own Rituals,
Symbols and Personal Language of Desire To
Undo Your Limited Sense Of “Self”, Radically
Re-Design Your Life, And Non-Verbally/
Non-Locally Influence People And Events!
Pre-Influence Events And Circumstances In Your Favor
Create A Glamour Of Irresistible Attractiveness
Master The Seven Basic Skills For Profoundly Powerful Mental Influence
Engineer Coincidence
Undo And Unblock Your Limited Sense of Identity And, Daily Design Who You Want To Be
Here’s Exactly What I Mean By Magick
Magick, as defined by Aleister Crowley (one of the fathers of the modern practice) has nothing to do with rubbing lamps and getting wishes granted by genies. Magick means,
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“Change according to the will.”
It is the structured use of personal ritual, symbology, movement, and breath to:
Uncover and bring to light deeply hidden patterns that are profoundly embedded in the personality
Deconstruct them so they no longer bind you, distorting your perception and driving your behavior
Design in the qualities of personality and ability that you would like to have to bring you to where you want to be in your life.
Become Truly Free
In other words, “magick” by this definition is a psycho-technology. A way of unbinding and “de-robotizing” oneself so one can become truly free to use the full creative potential of mind on all levels: Conscious, Unconscious, and “Super-conscious”.
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