Naima Sheikh – The Portable Passion Project
Learn how to create your own passion project, then give it digital magical powers to make it portable.
We all need a passion project.
Especially if you move around a lot, and are a chronic expatriate like me.
May be it’s because you vowed to follow the love of your life to the end of the earth, and would you believe it, he/she actually got transferred to the other side of the world.
May be it’s because you are caring for aging parents who don’t live conveniently close to your corporate gig.
Or may be you just want to be on a hammock on a beach. As long as said beach has good wifi, of course.
The good news is that with today’s digital economy you need little more than a laptop and some elbow grease to dream up your passion project, formulate it into a digital product, and offer it to anyone in the world with an internet connection.
May be you charge for it, may be you don’t — just as long as you add value, you can become a fully paid up member of the digital economy.
And you can do it from the other side of the world. Or your Mom’s kitchen. Your kitchen. Or from that fabulous, internet-enabled hammock.
The bad news is that you have to work hard.
I know you’re not afraid of hard work, but you’re probably overwhelmed by the tech, by the hype and by the overwhelming amount of information on the web.
That’s why I created the Portable Passion Project course.
In this course, discover which kind of format lends itself best to your strengths and your passion project.
Learn how to figure out if your idea has legs and will find a market.
Find out how to put your product up for sale in just a few clicks and in less than 20 minutes.
When I’ve run this workshop live in person, the participants are always amazed that they can, in fact, come up with so many interesting and creative topics for a potential digital product.
But you know what amazes them more?
How little tech is really needed when you know what to do.
And that’s what I’ll teach you. Exactly what to do, in what order and using what tool.
You bring the idea, your passion project, your bright eyes.
I’ll show you how to bring it passion project to life, digitizes it and put you on the road to become a real digital nomad.
Your Instructor
Teaching Tech Without Trauma or Drama
Hello, my name is Naima and I’m a Digital Strategist.
I help individuals get over the technical and creative humps that stand between them and successfully taking their expertise to market.
Sometimes we can see exactly where we want to be, and what we want to do. Only thing is, there are annoying little things that tend to get in the way.
Sometimes these “things” are little mindset gremlins. But more often than not, they are creative and technical skills that seem just out of reach, like building a website or creating a cover.
Does that sound familiar?
I work with my clients to get clear on what their end game is, and to develop a solid strategy with actionable plans to get there.
But I also coach them and help them acquire “mini online business skills” required in our internet economy, so they can thrive in taking their expertise to market.
Whether in a corporate role or a solopreneur, it is only through clarity, skill acquisition, and focused action that growth can be achieved, both for business and for personal fulfillment.
I bring 20+ years of corporate experience in applying technology and smart work processes to business growth, and share that experience through my courses, ebooks and of course, in person.
Course Curriculum
- A Brief Introduction (3:42)
- A Framework For Action (2:18)
- You and Your Personal Brand (5:13)
- Your Passion and Value Proposition (4:14)
- Your Passion – Packaged (8:43)
- Connecting With Your Tribe (4:02)
- Getting Your Products Into The Hands Of Your Clients (7:50)
- Your Next Steps (4:42)
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