Evolution Forex Trading by Jerry Singh
Hello traders,
I am Jerry Singh. Born in India in a small town near Ludhiana(Punjab). I was taught, brought up and “programmed” by my family and friends to be a successful person one day by doing a high – end job in some multinational company, so that I can have a rich, secure future. Therefore, I was always one of the bright students in school and then ended up doing a diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Tool & Die) in an Indo-German institute in India.
After finishing my diploma with 75% aggregate I made up plans to study overseas to accomplish what my family wanted, i.e. to become a successful engineer and work a 9 to 5 for some multinational company. I started my Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering in Wellington, New Zealand, studied a couple of years while doing some rear-end jobs in order to survive and pay my university fee. However, situations became tough as there were absolutely no work opportunities available in Wellington and my extra busy 18 hour day schedule never allowed me to neither study nor work nor have some private time properly. Thus, my parents asked me to move to Perth, Australia to my sister, so that I would have some support and wont have to worry about cooking my own food or paying the rent. So I did.
After moving to Australia, and coming here with only $500 in my pocket, I started my studies and started looking for a part time job. My first job was throwing newspapers, followed by driving a courier van, followed by delivering pizzas. The point being life was not heading in the right direction. Being an international student with no work experience in the engineering field, I couldn’t find many job opportunities as they needed me to have experience in order to gain experience.
Then one day as I was preparing some dance performance with my dance crew I fell over and cracked my wrist. I had to undergo a surgery and was out of work for a good 7-8 months. Couldn’t drive a car therefore, couldn’t drive a courier van nor could deliver pizzas. I was stressed, had no job and no money. So, I started looking for work online as I always heard people making money from their computer and had no idea what, how and when.
I stumbled across a few survey sites and then was a bit frustrated as I was getting too many ads on my browser. I accidently clicked on one of the ads which tool me to a forex trading platform. I researched about it for the next few hours, and ended up depositing $200 in one of the broker and it was happy ever after ??? NO, I LOST MY INVESTMENT IN 2 DAYS as I had no idea what to do how to trade. I was sad and disappointed. But I did not give up I started researching more about this and came in touch with a few groups that provided training for binary options. I joined a few groups but still wasn’t getting anywhere.
Then I calmed myself down and started to analyse that why people are making money and not me. So I did a lot of research of my own, read so many books, demo traded for so many months and realised that there were 3 main reasons I was loosing money:
Bad Mindset
Relying on Indicators
Improper Money Management
This is when I dumped all the clutter of indicators off my screen and started to trade without any indicators. PURE PRICE ACTION !!!
After starting to trade Price Action, I started posting my results as I was getting around 50-60%, which was not too good but was enough to stop loosing money and make a few dollars now and then. Posting my results made a few people contact me and ask me for help. I started a small group where I started teaching and training members and this was the first step of a magnificent career in trading which I could see very clearly in-front of my eyes now.
Today I run a private mentorship trading group with a win rate of over 80%. I do live trading sessions everyday.Not only that, I also started a Forex Signals group for people who are busy with their 9-to-5s and do not have time to attend the Live Trading sessions, they can just join our telegram signals group where I post daily signals for taking forex trades. These signals are sent via Telegram channel, so people can join our group and access the signals and place trades just from their phones while being busy at work or other places.
This is how “Evolution Forex” came into being. Where I personally do trading sessions everyday and make money myself and help my team members to earn substantially as well. I still believe that this is a very small start to a very long successful journey and a luxurious career. I have been working on multiple streams of income and have successfully running a few.
So talk to me, message me and become part of my extraordinary journey from being a pizza delivery guy to a millionaire in the next couple of years.
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