Stone River Elearning – Introduction to Unity 3D Scripting in C#
Learn the basics of coding video games with Unity 3D.
This course discusses Unity Scripting. It includes several tutorials on game script creation and coding. This course is aimed at beginning coders and intended to teach you the basic coding you need to know to start creating games.
If you have some coding knowledge, this course will still be helpful as it relates coding to how it is used in game development today.
Course Curriculum
- Introduction to Scripting (0:33)
- Creating a New Script (2:02)
- Functions | Level 1 (1:59)
- Functions | Level 2 (2:02)
- Variables | Level 1 (2:02)
- Variables | Level 2 (7:12)
- Monobehavior Members (2:02)
- Booleans and Conditionals (2:02)
- Inputs (2:02)
- Coding Resources (2:02)
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