Michael Davis Golzmane – Receive 72+ Forms of Vishnu Karma Clearings During Vishnupati to Gain Momentum, Clarity, and Deeper Levels of Divine Support for your Career and Soul’s Mission (Recorded Feb 2020)
In Vedic Astrology, the Sun will enter the “fixed” sign of Aquarius on February 13, initiating a very special and rare 9-hour window of opportunity the ancient yogis of India called “Vishnupati”. During this short window of time, the Divine Inner Archetype known as Vishnu becomes strongly available to clear your karma, activate you with his energy, and grant you blessings.
During this upcoming Vishnupati, the Sun is entering Aquarius. Aquarius is a humanitarian sign, and when the Sun (which represents your soul) enters this sign, it indicates that there is a potential here to increase the clarity of your soul’s purpose work, mission, and service on the planet. Aquarius indicates letting go of old worn-out ways of doing things and selfishness, and surrendering to the larger purpose and mission of your life, clarifying your gifts, and generously sharing with others.
This 9-hour window of time is a key time to honor the Inner Archetype of Vishnu, no matter your spiritual or religious background. This clearing can only help you and make you more clear and more successful at knowing your divine gifts, and using them in service to others in ways that will also prosper and bless you.
During this unique and rare clearing, we will:
- activate and clear your karma based on 7 powerful Vishnu mantras, helping you access his blessings
- activate you to Vishnu’s mantra for greater intelligence
- We will be performing 4 sacred activations by working with 4 unique Vishnu names from the Vishnu Sahasranama for invoking his desire-fulfilling, wealth-bestowing, health-boosting, and wisdom-granting blessings
- Activation and Karma clearing with the energies of the 16 Unique Sacred Items, and an activation to the sacred hymn Purusha Suktam (Hymn of Praise of the Cosmic being). Benefits include: overall affluence, happiness, longevity, and liberation blessings.
- an activation and karma-clearing based on the Suprabatham (Hymn for Awakening Vishnu)
During this clearing, we will also:
- Perform an additional 21-point Vishnu puja variation, to help capture more of the Divine Vishnu energy for you
All-in-all, I will be using at least 72 specific activation strategies for Vishnu’s energy during this peak time energetic window, while holding open your personal akashic field where all your present and past-life karma resides. During this time, we will work to establish Vishnu consciousness within the larger field of your soul, as we also clear and resolve all that you have been holding that is not in alignment with this energy.
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