Katherine Hurst – Law Of Attraction Origins
Before I say anything about Origins by Katherine Hurst, I want to quickly give you a breakdown of what Origins is purported to offer you. In this review I want you to be absolutely sure what you’re going to get from Origins and detail the level of commitment needed for success.
Origins By Katherine Hurst
That’s a bold claim from author Katherine Hurst and it was that claim that got me interested in the content of Origins. My life has been turned around by using Mindset techniques, a formula of repeated, simple mind changes that has enabled me to not only be amazed at the power of the mind, but also to find contentment, happiness and real love for life.
It took work and a lot of reprogramming of my original stagnant, fixed mindset, but now I’m here, it was worth every minute of that long journey.
That leads me to Katherine Hurst’s Origins. Could this be a short cut to save a lot of anguish, or is it just another ‘jump on the Bandwagon’ publication from the Law of Attraction society?
I pull no punches here, I understand people who read reviews want straight answers and need to know if it’s worth their time, money and effort. You may be totally willing to invest in a new way of thinking, but if the publication is unsound or method is poor, then you leave feeling conned.
I get it.
As I said, I’m way into mindset changes, but I understand it’s not for everyone, so can Origins pave an easier path for those who want a brighter future and a more enriched life?
Let me tell you, in no uncertain terms, what Origins is all about.
Perhaps you should take the LOA test first to see what it IS you’re really looking for? Click the image below to discover the answer…it only takes 30 seconds, and then come back here and read on.
What is Origins?
I bought Origins back in December 2016 after receiving an email from a website I had subscribed to. I rarely buy from such emails, but I read the text and was a little intrigued, so went to the Origins website.
I watched the video and thought how much it looked like all the rest of those videos selling the same sort of product. My instinct was to not take much notice and move on.
But my interest was piqued and I managed to find the Origins page without the video. I couldn’t find a review of Origins anywhere on the net, which I found unusual?
Usually there are pages and pages reviewing this sort of publication, all by reviewers who haven’t even bought what they’re reviewing!
Anyway, I digress, in the end I just bought Origins to see if it could offer me anything new.
The Origins PDF (or eBook) was downloaded to my PC along with a few bonuses which are detailed on the Origins sales page. I made time to read it thoroughly and to be honest, it was better than I thought it would be…a lot better.
I’ve read several of these publications in eBook form over the years and only a couple have met with my approval. Origins lifted me. At last, someone wasn’t just jumping on the bandwagon. So much so that I delved a little deeper into finding out who Katherine Hurst is.
Who Is Katherine Hurst?

Katherine Hurst is an established Law of Attraction expert.
I just hadn’t heard of her before Origins, but now she’s popping up everywhere. She is editor of a large Law of Attraction website with a community of over 3 million!
Why hadn’t I heard of her before?
Origins is now my number one choice for anyone wanting to improve their lives and attract abundance into their lives.
OK, so I say the book is worth the dollars, the Author is accomplished and what’s written inside of Origins is bang on the nail…so it’s a no brainer to get it, right?
The issue here isn’t the book, or the text or Katherine Hurst and Origins…it’s the reader.
That may sound condescending, but it’s the truth. If you really want to make a change in your life, you not going to get it by simply reading a book and hoping it’s going to change you circumstances.
Like anything, you have to put in the effort and work with it, take action and implement the methods.
Life changes are rarely served on a plate to you. Those who win the lottery are just being lucky. We all can’t expect to be given an answer to our prayers so easily.
That’s where the whole Law of Attraction thing is flawed. People expect a sudden change without action.
This takes a true mindset change in yourself to make it work and Origins gives you that chance. You must act on what is being taught here and not just expect a miracle to happen.
With that said, let’s consider Origins and see why I think it will work for some people and not for others. It’s all about being prepared to take action and believe a simple thing like a mindset change can make all the difference in your world.
Kathrine Hurst give us an introduction to the Law of Attraction and how it all works as well as a formula to follow called L.I.F.E before moving onto the all important Origins method.
Sections Inside Origins

The first section of Origins goes into detail of how to get rid of negative thoughts that crop up in almost every situation. Negativity is a monster that lives in us all. It’s hard not to be negative when you haven’t had the rub of the green in your life.
It’s fine saying ignore negative thought, but it’s not that easy. Origins will give you methods to combat such thoughts and spin them. This is where you really do need to take action for it to work. As Nike say, Just do it.
I’ve said in some of my posts that your very thoughts are the stumbling block to your happiness. They are merely thoughts and the fear of taking action against them.
Once your mind can adjust to this new way of thinking, you will be well on your way to finding pleasure in life and in almost all situations. There will be times when negativity cannot be avoided, but it’s how you handle those situations that is the real secret to success.
Get Your Mind Set
Each module inside of Origins offers a simple exercise for you to complete. The first one is to think up something unusual you haven’t seen for a while. Don’t think of a red car…they’re everywhere!
Try to think of something that you rarely see, such as a pink child’s tricycle. Over the next few days, just imagine it and you’ll be astounded when it turns up.

This is an exercise in mindset awareness. You’ve told your mind to be on the lookout for a pink child’s tricycle, so subconsciously, it will be already there ready for you to see it. If you hadn’t have planted the seed, your subconscious remains unaware.
A very simple exercise that works well and reinforces you into believing your mind can make a real difference to what happens daily in your life. When you’ve experienced the wonder of the mind in this way, it opens huge possibilities.
It’s a basic exercise, but it allows you to understand how much the mind pays attention.
Get immediately download Haled Katherine Hurst – Law Of Attraction Origins
With more imagination and more practice, you will experience how easy it is to bring things into your life that you really want. To be successful in this you need to believe and practice every day. It’s not as if you’re being asked to run a marathon, you’re just aligning your mind to the things you want.
What Do You Really Want?
The next section is finding out what it is you really want. This is where a lot of people will struggle. Many of us are a little bit greedy and take life for granted. I imagine you’re here to vastly improve your life, not just to get that new car.
If everything is fine in your life and you’re happy with it…why do you need a different mindset and a book to change that?
If you’re happy then you have no need to change anything. Your mind is doing a great job and life is good. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right?
But if you’re here to improve greatly on your present situation then you will need to find out what it is that can do just that.
This section of Origins will make you take a deep look at yourself and what it is that would make all the difference.

The exercise here is to list everything that is messing up your life. Finding out why things don’t go your way and why you seem to always be among the have-nots of this world.
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