Carole Dore – Falling Apart II & Perception TeleWorkshop
Includes Invaluable NEW Guidelines that will totally impact your life!
CDs and MP3 Recordings are Now Available of this
NEWLY ENHANCED 3-Part TeleWorkshop
Discover how Ito Successfully Achieve Your Vision and Break Through to a Brand New Pl ateau in this Life-Changing workshop presented, by renowned Law of Attraction Expert, Carole Dore!
Carole Dore provides invaluable, step-by-step, guidelines to enable you to successfully maintain your focus and enthusiasm if your physical world appears to be falling apart!
Just One Example of MANY Important Insights:
- If something was suddenly taken from you – such as a job, relationship, or car – would you think it was because you’d been thinking negatively or because your vision was about to manifest?
This amazing workshop not only clearly explains numerous reasons why this could occur – it also provides an invaluable formula to enab le your world to quickly turn right side up again!
It is of viital importance to have a clear understanding of the readjustment of energy in the third dimension! How you respond during a seemingly disturbing third dimensional upheaval will not only determine the success or failure of the manifestation of youir vision, it will also determine whether your life expands forward or contracts. Ultimately, your response will also deeply affect your ability to live a consisten tly fun, full, and enriching life!
Gain Specific Guidance for Refining Your Perception iin Life!
It is essential to perceive occurrences corr ectly in life! How you perceive just one incident has the ability to set off a positive or negative ripple affect throughout your entire life!
Freedom and power are obtained when you gain the ability to clearly discern activities on the physical plane!
This fascinating session provides precise guidelines for correctly perceiving numerous specific situations in life. This keen insightfu l perspective will enable you to live your life with total claiiity, confidence and joy — with no judlgments or confusi on – enabling all occurrences in life to bless and empower your continual movement forward!
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