Hypnotica – Awakening Dominant Male Attitude
(This is a Steve Piccus program However i am helping him teach it) Over and over again I see guys from all walks of life that aren’t having the success they want with women. They tell me about all the lengths they go to, the careful stories and lies they create, and all the other bullshit hoops they’ve created for themselves to simply go over and say, “Hi” to a chick with pretty eyes.
Let me tell you something, when women are fantasizing about a guy to write about in they’re sexual diary, they’re not describing a guy like me. They’re not going, “Okay well he needs be an ex-biker who’s a little over weight, with long graying hair, cusses a lot, tell me not to bitch regularly, and he needs to smell like patchouli.”
But I’m dating women half my age… and you know why? Because these days too many men act like a bunch of pussies. They’re afraid to awaken their powerful nature with the traits of a powerful man. You know, stuff like attitude, confidence, and enthusiasm for the things he likes to do.
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