Claire Pelletreau – Absolute FB Ads 2020

There’s the rush of adrenaline (OK, anxiety) as you finally launch your ads and set them free in your audience’s newsfeed…

- The unrelenting pressure to always be present on social media if you want to grow your audience and reach new customers (did somebody say FOMO?)
- Constantly being on the brink of burnout as the sole driver of results in your business (and doing all the intensive work yourself, all the damn time)
- Pushing beyond the encouraging but glacially sloooooow organic growth you’ve fought so hard for (without having to travel to conferences or spend hours networking one-to-one)…
And sure, you wouldn’t say no to a 7-figure launch or your own private island — but overwhelm and some lackluster results so far make it feel like you + FB just aren’t meant to be.
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